Thursday, February 17, 2011

CCDD 021711—The Sword in the Stone

Classic Cool Card Design of the Day
What follows is a CCDD that was created before the feature transitioned from the Wizards Wiki to Goblin Artisans. It has been formatted to fit your screen.

2/17/2011 - This was a fun top-down design based off the movie of the same name. It was initially inspired by a discussion of flip-equips amongst #GDS2 particpants working with Ethan Fleischer. The flip-equips were mostly cards that started as creatures and flipped into equipment when they died, representing cave men using animal bones as tools.

The direct ancestor to The Sword in the Stone is your bonus CCDD: The Champion Stone aimed to solve some of the problems the flip-equip creatures had like starting off as a colored creature and becoming a colorless artifact. It instead used a creatures-must-tap sub-theme that existed in Epolith for quite a while, representing the creatures doing the work of advancing culturally. I thought it fitting that the creature who pulled the sword from the stone should be automatically equipped by it.

The Sword in the Stone is much simpler. It's a very large hoop with a very large reward. If you can figure out how to get this one-off attached to a creature, you're going to have a very powerful equipment for cheap. Anything that's useless on its own is a puzzle begging the question "how do you make this worth playing?" Johnny to the rescue.

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